
Liposuction and SafeLipo®

Liposuction removes troublesome, diet-resistant collections of fat to reshape your body. Individuals can exercise and reduce body fat yet still find themselves with the same stubborn bulges. Liposuction can permanently re-contour annoying areas of localized fat. A re-contoured body can still gain weight but usually not in the disproportionate bulges, since those cells have been permanently removed, making liposuction one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries available. The results can be remarkable, even though your total weight may only change a little.

What is SAFELipo®?

SAFELipo is an innovative fat reduction and fat re-shaping method. Utilized by an experienced practitioner like Dr. Allyson Deziel, it allows for highly efficient fat removal while preventing damage to surrounding tissue, and it prevents the divots and dimples associated with contour irregularities.

The SAFE in SAFELipo stands for separation, aspiration and fat equalization:

  • Separation of the fat targeted for removal. Using a particular type of probe, fat is separated from its attachments to the skin and to other fat cells. The instrument does this without generating heat, so tissues are protected from damage. Blood vessels are left intact and unharmed.
  • Aspiration of the loosened, emulsified fat. The separated fat is suctioned away. The fat was broken down in the separation step, so its removal is easier and less traumatic.
  • Equalization of the remaining fat layer so that the skin is smooth and even. Fat equalization is one of the most advantageous aspects of SAFELipo. Using the probe, Dr. Deziel redistributes the remaining fat across the treatment area, creating a smooth, blanketed layer of fat beneath the skin. This step significantly reduces the risk of uneven results.

SAFELipo is an innovative device that makes liposuction more efficient by preparing the fat for removal. Because the fat is separated and somewhat emulsified, removing it is less traumatic to the surrounding tissues. It’s also easier to remove the disrupted fat with gentle suction.

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Jupiter, FL Office

641 University Boulevard, Suite 103 Jupiter, Florida 33458


Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat – Sun: Closed

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